Opini adalah pernyataan berkaitan dengan subjek tertentu untuk meyakinkan bahwa suatu hal adalah benar. Penulis sering mengambil sikap atau posisi tertentu berkaitan dengan suatu iisu, yang mengkin menimbulkan ketidaksetujuan pada orang lain. Opini harus disertai dengan alasan alasan (reason) yang didukung dengan fakta atau bukti (evidence) dan contoh, jika perlu, sehingga pembaca akan setuju dengan pendapat kira.
Contrast statement adalah pernyataan tentang adanya perbedaan antara dua hal. Dalam kalimat, pernyataan itu biasanya terdapat dalam klausa (contrast clause) dan menyajikan gagasan yang berlawanan. Kata pernghubung yang mengawalinya adalah however dan nevertheless, menunjukkan bahwa gagasan yang berlawanan atau berbeda dari klausa pertama akan emngikutinya, serta subordinator although dan eventhough yang menunjukkan lawan atau kontras dari gagasan dalam klausa bebas. Klausa yang mengandung kedua subordinator itu bisa terdapat pada awal kalimat atau setelah klausa bebas.
Paragraf atau alinea artinya dalam paragraf terkandung contrast idea, sedangkan pada artikel atau esai kontras, terdapat sejumlah gagasan kontras dalam sejumlah alineanya. Artikel itu sering disatukan menjadi comparisan-contrast essay.
Conclusion (repeat statement) berisi pernyataan atau artikel atau kalimat yang mengulang atau menyatakan kembali thesis sentence atau gagasan-gagasan sebelumya dengan cara yang berbeda. Dalam alinea, simpulan biasanya terletak pada bagian atau kalimat terakhir, sedangkan dalam artikel, simpulan itu terdapat pada alinea terakhir.
Tes Formatif
Contrast statement adalah pernyataan tentang adanya perbedaan antara dua hal. Dalam kalimat, pernyataan itu biasanya terdapat dalam klausa (contrast clause) dan menyajikan gagasan yang berlawanan. Kata pernghubung yang mengawalinya adalah however dan nevertheless, menunjukkan bahwa gagasan yang berlawanan atau berbeda dari klausa pertama akan emngikutinya, serta subordinator although dan eventhough yang menunjukkan lawan atau kontras dari gagasan dalam klausa bebas. Klausa yang mengandung kedua subordinator itu bisa terdapat pada awal kalimat atau setelah klausa bebas.
Paragraf atau alinea artinya dalam paragraf terkandung contrast idea, sedangkan pada artikel atau esai kontras, terdapat sejumlah gagasan kontras dalam sejumlah alineanya. Artikel itu sering disatukan menjadi comparisan-contrast essay.
Conclusion (repeat statement) berisi pernyataan atau artikel atau kalimat yang mengulang atau menyatakan kembali thesis sentence atau gagasan-gagasan sebelumya dengan cara yang berbeda. Dalam alinea, simpulan biasanya terletak pada bagian atau kalimat terakhir, sedangkan dalam artikel, simpulan itu terdapat pada alinea terakhir.
Tes Formatif
"battle of the sexes" started with Adam and Eve, and it will probably
continue forever. (1) this is opinion statement). The opinion that men are superior to women has long been
accepted in many cultures, but the feminist movement is trying to changes this
view.(4) this in the contrast statement Feminist claim that boys and girls are exactly equal at birth but become
unequal because of the way they are treated by society. However, recent
research contradicts the view that males and females are innately alike.
a doubt, societal influences both inside and outside the family cause may
difference to develop.(2) this is one of the support for opnion. Inside the family, boys learn to be men by watching and
copying their father, and girls learn to be women by watching and copying their
mother. Outside the family, boys who play with dolls after a certain age receive
disapproval, as do girls who continue to play with ninja turtles (although the
pressure may not be quite as strong on girls)
not all differences are caused by societal influences. Some are due to
differences in the physiology of the brain.(3) Another support for opinion. For example, more men than women
are left-handed, which means that the right side of men’s brains are dominant
because the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body. Right-brain
people generally have better reasoning abilities, whereas left-brain people
generally have better verbal skills.
fact, girls are better at language than boys. For both men and women, the
language center is on the left of the brain. However, girls not only begin
speaking earlier than boys, but they also speak more clearly and develop larger
vocabularies. In contrast, more boys than girls stutter and have trouble
learning to read. Boys’ difficulty with language may be the result of their
right-brain dominance.
addition, men and women have different spatial abilities. For example men are
better at turning three-dimensional objects in their heads. That’s why they can
read maps more easily than women. Women often have to turn a map around in
order to know which direction to go, whereas men can do it in their heads. On the
other hand, women excel at other spatial tasks such as remembering the location
of objects in a random pattern. That’s why woman are better than men at finding
misplaced car keys and eyeglasses.
it is clear that some differences are rooted in the physiology of the brain, it
equally clear that other differences are not. For example, boys and girls are
equal in math ability until about seventh grade. Then girls start to fall
behind, perhaps because math teachers encourage boys more. Furthermore, there
are many exceptions to these general patterns. Just as some women are good at
abstract algebra, some men become skilled poets and public speakers.
continuing research will yields further information about gender differences,
it will never resolve the battle between the sexes. (5) the conclusion or repeat statement However, it should help the
next he gets lost in the family car while following her map-reading directions,
and the nest time she has to look for his misplaced car keys.
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