Most of the people get difficulties in deciding whether a code they speak is a language  or a dialect of one language. This is because there are many factors to consider in making the decision. Linguistic factor itself is not enough to differentiate language and dialect. Other factor are mutual intelligibility, and socio-historical factor. In addition, there are also seven criteria that may be useful in discussing different kinds of languages. They are standardization, vitality, historicity, autonomy, reduction, mixture, and de facto norms.
Sebagian besar orang mendapatkan kesulitan dalam memutuskan apakah kode mereka berbicara adalah bahasa atau dialek dari satu bahasa. Hal ini karena ada banyak faktor yang perlu dipertimbangkan dalam membuat keputusan. Faktor linguistik itu sendiri tidak cukup untuk membedakan bahasa dan dialek. Faktor lainnya adalah saling kejelasan, dan faktor sosio-historis. Selain itu, ada juga tujuh kriteria yang mungkin berguna dalam membahas berbagai jenis bahasa. Mereka adalah standarisasi, vitalitas, historisitas, otonomi, pengurangan, campuran, dan norma-norma de facto

formative test 1

    1.            Explain the essential differences between a language and dialect!
Language is a dialect which is accepted as the norm because of the power or prestige of that dialect group. On the other hand, dialect is a variety of a language which are spoken in different geographical or social areas that are mutually understandable. Language can be used to refer either to a single linguistic norm or to a group of related norms, while dialect is used to refer to one of the norms.
   2.            What factor makes Hindi and Urdu in India similar and what factor makes them different?
Socio-historical factors make Hindi and Urdu different languages different history. However, Hindi and Urdu are almost identical at the level of grammar. People of these different languages can be understand each other.
    3.            Mutual intelligibility is used as one criterion in determining a language. What is mutual intelligibility and what is non-reciprocal intelligibility?
Mutual intelligibility occurs when a person speaks a language (language A), and he understand the language used by the other person (language B). The second person also understands the language spoken by the first person (language A). Thus they understand B, and B understands C, who in turns understand D, on the other hand speaker B does not understand A, speaker C does not understand B, and speaker D does not understand C.
   4.            The second criteria proposed by Bell to determine a language is vitality. Explain briefly what is meant by vitality
Vitality refers to the existence of a living community of speakers. This criterion can be used to distinguish languages that are alive from those that are dead. If the language has a huge number od speakers, the vitality of that language is high.
   5.            English and Indonesia are both equal as languages. Does it mean that they are both equals in all aspect? Why or why not?
English and Indonesian are both equals as languages because they have their own dialects. However, they are not all equals because they have different functions. English is used as an International language, English is used as a national language of several countries, and English is also used as a second language in many countries. Indonesian is only used as the national language of Indonesia and as a foreign language in some countries.


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