Bilingualism might simply be defined as a person having some functional ability in a second language, varying from a limited ability on one code to very strong command of both language. These are some ways to describe bilingualism: identifying skills acquisiyion, and discussing domains of language use.
Bilingual competence can be classified into two categories, receptive bilingualism and productive bilingualism and productive bilingualism. Receptive bilingualism refers to the situation where a Persib understand a second language refer to the condition where a Persib can be both understand and produce a second language.
What is multiligualism?
Multilingualism is the condition where a person has functional ability in More than two language.
What is the weakness of Bloomfield's definition of bilingualism?
There is contradiction in his definition between the first sentence and the last sentence.
Mention the features stated by Spolsky to discuss bilingualism!
Identify each language, the way each language is acquired, the balance among the mastery of language skills, performance on certain functional, and external functions that can be performed in each language.
Complete the following table about domains of language use in bilingual situation!
Bilingual competence can be classified into two categories, receptive bilingualism and productive bilingualism and productive bilingualism. Receptive bilingualism refers to the situation where a Persib understand a second language refer to the condition where a Persib can be both understand and produce a second language.
What is multiligualism?
Multilingualism is the condition where a person has functional ability in More than two language.
What is the weakness of Bloomfield's definition of bilingualism?
There is contradiction in his definition between the first sentence and the last sentence.
Mention the features stated by Spolsky to discuss bilingualism!
Identify each language, the way each language is acquired, the balance among the mastery of language skills, performance on certain functional, and external functions that can be performed in each language.
Complete the following table about domains of language use in bilingual situation!
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