S -> the + NOUN + likes + the + NOUN

Nouns serve as heads of noun phrases: 
"a wooden chair" (chair in the head of NP)
As subjects and objects of clauses:
The houses was sold.
They sold the house. (house as an object)
The following examples show that "swimming" passes this distributional test for noun hood:
a. Subject : swimming is good for you
b. Object : I like swimming
structural properties of prototypical nouns include:
a. Descriptive modifiers: slow swimming
b. Genitive case pronouns : his swimming (*he swimming)
It is rare or odd-sounding for verbs with the -ing suffix to display these properties:
a. pluralization : ? many walking
b. Determiner : ? the walking to school
c. Descriptive modifiers : ? re/little/pretty/fine walking

"Girls" is a Common Noun, because it is a name common to all girls, while Siti is a Proper Noun because it is the name of a particular girl.
a. Proper Names
Proper names : Mr. Salak, Mr. Rusli, Bogor, Indonesia
Common names : car, pen, house, river
b. Collective Noun
Mass nouns: sand, wood, iron, oxygen
Count nouns : car(s). apple(s). bicycle(s), hand(s)
A collective Noun is the name of the number (or collection) of persons or things taken together and spoken of as one whole; as army, commitee, crowd, family, fleet, flock, herd, mob, jury, nation, parliament, staff, team, etc. (tentara, panitia, penonton, keluarga, armadam kawanan, kawanan, mafia, juri, bangsa, parlement, staf, tim dll)

An Abstract Noun is uaslly the name of an action, a quality or state condisered apart from the object to which it belongs such as
action. - discouragement, help, judgment, movement etc.
quality. - bravery, brightness, darkness, goodness, hardness, honesty, kinfness, whiteness, wisdom
state.- boyhood, childhood, death, elderly, infant, poverty, youth, slavery, sleep, sickness. (masa kecil, masa kanak2, kematian, tua, bayi, kemiskinan, pemuda, perbudakan , tidur, sakit, penyakitan
a. Countable , Uncountable or mass Noun
b. The other form of nouns discussed above there are also Pronouns that are free forms (as opposed to affixes) that function alone to fill the position of anoun phrase in a cluaes.

A word that is thus used instead of a noun in called a Pronoun [Pronoun meand for a noun]
I, we, you, he(she, it), they are called Personal Pronouns because they stand for the three people.

A Verb is a word that tells or asserts something abiut a person or thing. Verb comes from the Latin verbun, a word. It is so called because it is the most important word in a sentence. In determining whether a questionable form is a verb or not, one must determine how closely it follows the morpho syntactic pattern of prototypical verbs

A verb may tell us -
1. What a person or thing does; as Harry laughs; the clock strikes.
2. What is done to a person or thing as in those sentences below; Harry is scolded; The window is broken.
3. What a person or thing is: as The cat is dead; Glass is brittle; I feel sorry

A Verb is a word used to tell or assert something about some person or thing
a. A Verb often consists of more than one word; as The girls were singing; I have learnt my lesson; The watch has been found
b. Read these sentence; The boy kicks the football; The boy laughs loudly

A Transitive Verb is a verb that denotes an action which passes over form the doer or subject to an object
- He ran a long distance (Action)
- The baby sleeps (State) keadaan
- There is a flaw in this diamond (Being)
Intransitive Verb expressing "being" take the same cases after them as before them
a. Most Transitive Verb take a single object. But such Transitive Verbs as give, ask offer, promise, tell, etc,
   take tow objek after them - an Indirect Object which denotes the person to whom something is given or
   for whom something is done, and a Direct Object which is usually the name of some thing, as:
   - His father gave him (Indirect) a watch (Direct)
   - He told me (Indirect) a secret 9Direct)
b. Most verbs can be both as Transitive and as Intransitive verbs jowever it is better to say that a verb is used transitively rather than that it is Transitive or Intransitive

Some Verbs e.g. come, go, fall, sleep, die and denote actions which cannot be done to anything: they can, therefore, never be used transitively

c. In such a sentence as 'The man killed himself' where SUbject and the Object both refer to same person,
    the verb is said to be used reflexively
    Examples :
    - The bubble burst (meledak)  [itself]
    - The guests made [themselves] merry (tamu2 dibuat bergembira)
    - Please keep [yourselves] quiet
    - With these words he turned [himself] to the door
    - The Japanese feed [themselves] chiefly (terutama) on rice
d. Certain verbs can be used refelxively and also as ordinary transitive verbs as
    - Do not forget his name
    - I forget his name
    - Acquit (mengerjakan sendiri/bebas) yourself as man   
    - The magistrate acquitted him of the charge against him  (hakim membebaskannya dari tuduhan
       terhadap dirinya)z

    - I enjoy myself sitting alone
    - He enjoys good health
    - He interested himself in his friend's welfare
    - His talk does not interest me


There seven kinds of verbs. I stated below:
1. Weather verb : to rain, (be)wind(y)
2. States : to (be)broken, to (be)rotten)
3. Involuntary processes : to grow, to melt
4. Bodily functions : to sneeze, to hiccup
5. Motion : to swim, to run, to walk
6. Involuntary activities : tp fall, to drop
7. Position : to stand, to lie, to hang

Talking about pronoun ie. you, he, she, it, they, I need to explain here that the "first person" refers to the speaker. "Second person" refere to the hearer. First and second person are sometimes collectively refereed to as speech act participants. Then "third person" usualy refers to any non-speech act participant. 

A Common Noun is a name given in common to every person or thing of the same class or kind. [common here means shared by all]

A Proper Noun is the name of some particulat person or place. Proper means one's own. Hence a Proper Name is a person's own name. Proper Nouns are always written with a capital letter at the beginning and sometimes are used as Common Nouns as example below
  • he was the Lukan (= the wisest man) of his age
  • kalidas is othen called the shakespeare (= the greatest dramatist) of India


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