Diglossia is a relatively stable language situation in
which, in addition to the primary dialects of the language (which may include a
standard or regional standards) (Ferguson in Hudson, 1980:54)
Wardhaugh (1998: 90) identify that in the Arabic
situation the two are Classical Arabic (High variety) and the various regional
colloquial varieties (L varieties).
In Haiti the varieties are Standard French (H) and
Haitian Creole (L).
refers to the situation where two
distinct varieties are used in different functions, one is only used in formal
occasion (H variety) and the other in formal occasion (L variety). H variety is
generally the prestige variety and is never used for everyday interaction. In a
community where more than two language are employed, the concept of polyglossia
is appropriate to use.
Fasold (1984), known as his broad diglossia concepts,
names three types of diglossia. Double overlapping diglossia refers top double
different level and function of languages appears. Double nested diglossia
appears if H and L varieties have their own H and L varieties. Linear diglossia
is found when there are more than one H varieties, more than one medium
varieties, and some L varieties.
Using the
information provided in the above explanation, answer the following question
about the differences between H and L in diglossia communities!
How are H and L
linguistically related/ are they distinct languages or varieties of the same
They are different
varieties of the same language
How are they used
in the community?
They are used in
mutually exclusive situations. Where H is appropriate, L is not and vice versa.
H is used in formal contexts and L in less formal contexts.
Which is used for
conversation with family and friends?
Only L is used for
conversation with family and friends
How is each
variety learned?
L is learned
naturally in the home. H is learned more formally, usually in school.
Which has most
In general H has
more prestige
Which is codified
in grammar books and dictionaries ?
H is generally standardized
and codified in grammar book and dictionary
In which variety
is literature usually written?
Literature is
usually written in H
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