Commonly, our farmers advance more social-society orientation that formulated in community-self help in their activities. Farming is not only an economic activity but also has become the cultural life that is full of the social-cultural norms of the local people. So that planning for the change of agricultural activities must also consider the concept and the impact of social - cultural change that surely must happen.

Industrialization that is not based on the planned social transformation has created moral norms such as decadency, environment degradation, development of capitalization and individualism, economic discrepancy, marginalizing farmers and laborers. This does not seen to have been advanced in the paradigm development of agribusiness system approach. Not all agricultural on the small farmers scale can be into a business, as done by the big farmers (corporations) abroad who have huge lands and a norm/culture system that is very different from our farmers

Agriculture can be changed into a agribusiness as PT. QSAR did, if the project and activities "promise big benefits, for an example a return of 50% in less than one year, whereas bank interest rate is only 10%. The Spirit to get huge benefits in the short time and at the same time and agribusiness characteristic in agriculture is assumed to be impossible. Unrealized, the economic agriculture experts especially graduated from the USA have included the American culture into Indonesia with the promise or theory that agribusiness is more modern, more efifcient, and more profitable than before.

This is what happened to PT. QSAR which succeeded in deceiving the public to invest hundreds of millions of Indonesian Rupiah, although finally it was proven that PT. QSAR Agribusiness was a new deception arena to snare home-economicus investors (greedy people) who think that "it is foolish to receive low benefits if there is an opportunity to get much higher returns". In Indonesia these homo-economicus more and more found so that the President of ISEI once said Indonesian and American are similar, they are all economic creatures.

The concept and paradigm of agribusiness system will not become a reality because it will always relate to the paradigm and cultural norms of the local farmers who have their own common truth. Therefore, thinking agribusiness system that is based on the positivism principle, it is time to re-ask. Agribusiness paradigm is surely full of the norm system, culture, and ideology of its genuine place that is necessary to learn the suitability to be applied in our country.

Our farming society has a set of norm systems, philosophies and opinions about their own lives (ideology) that are needed to illicit and consider as a bigger potential in agriculture sector. Meanwhile, the change of orientation from production improvement to the farmers' income improvement is not enough if it is not based on the farmers' welfare orientation. The income improvement without being followed by a government structural policy in the making of legislation/law, competition, distribution, production, and consumption that protect the farmers will not be able to improve the farmers' welfare into a better life.

Is farming a business? The answer of this this question can be yes (in USA), but in Indonesia it is can be no. In Indonesia farming is become a business, such as PT. QSAR business in Sukabumi, but it can remain a livelihood or means of a livelihood for tens of millions of farmers without becoming business.

 Now, it is not easy to agree what sustainable agriculture development means, because many many commemoration and deviation potency in the past less attention. Agriculture Development on paper got priority since Repelita I. The policy and strategy were easy to hit, and industrialization program were more precedence. The main resources of these mistakes is the popularity of economic development models which oriented on faster growth of production and income (GDP and GNP), although without being followed by distribution and social fairness.

We should not forget the Malari affair Januari 1977 that protested economic and social imbalance whereas Repelita I at the time was running for 4.5 years and agriculture was growing at 5% per year. The Indonesian government  that time then was resolved to start and improve the even distribution program,which spoiled by the oil bonanza that very easily diverted (dialihkan) the abundant funds very easily available to help private entrepreneurs who freely developed and promoted many kinds of import and export industries. Most of them cooperated with foreign investors, especially from Japan.

System of economic which relate to Five Principles that is Economic System of Five Principles is market economic system siding at (memihak) effort of existing of social justice for all Indonesian people. Though agriculture of have continuation to have include effort realize justice but guidance moralistic, human being, nasionalism and democratize/nationality intactly (secara utuh) do not easy to combine it in congeniality have continuation. (pengertian berkelanjutan)

The review aspect social-economic agriculture development  and management natural resources that we present here different or may be opposite with the frame of thinking that direct all topics to system development and agribusiness efforts. We consider the opinion that agriculture terms (istilah pertaninan) is still relevant and agriculture development is still part of the rural development that emphasize to efforts rural people welfare improvement, including the farmers.


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