Telephone ring
Pat : Hello
Call : Hello, is Mark there?
Pat : There's a rather well educated young lady from Scotland on the phone for you


International Variety

Example  2
A British visitor to New Zealand decided while he was in Auckland he would look up an old friend his war days. He found the address, walked up and knocked on the door.
said the young man who opened the door, ' what can I do for you?'. I've called to see me old mate Done Stone; said the visitor. Oh he's dead now mate said the young man.
the visitor was about to express condolences when he was thumped on the back by Don stone himself. The young man had said 'here's dad now mate; as his father came in the gate.

Intra-National or Intra-Continental Variation

Example 4
Rob : This wheel's completely disjaskit
Alan : I might could get it changed
Rob : You couldn't do nothing of the sort. It needs dumped.

Cross-Continental Variation: Dialect Chains

Miriam learned French and Italian at university and was a fluent speaker of both. As part of her course, she was required to study for there months in Paris and three months in Rome. Her time in Paris went well and she decided to take a holiday on her way to Rome, traveling a cross France to Italy. She was keen to hear the varieties of French and Italian spoken in provincial towns. She stayed in cheep pensions (French 'bread-and breakfast' places), and she made a special effort to talk to the local people rather than tourists. Her parisian accent admired and she could understand the French of Dijon and Lyon. But as she moved further from Paris she found the French more difficult to follow. Near the boarder between France and Italy, in the town of Chamber, she could not be sure what she was hearing. Was it Italian French or French Italian? Whatever it was, it was difficult for her to understand, though she has no trouble making herself understood. In Italy she found that the Italian spoken in Turin and Milan was very different from the Italian she had learned. As she approached Rome, however, she gradually began to comprehend more of she heard. And Finally in Rome she found some kind of match between the way she spoken and the way the Italian around her spoken.

Example 6
Ming is an old woman who lives with her son in a rural village near the town of Yinde in Guangdong Province in southern China. The family grows vegetables for the local market. Ming speaks her provincial dialects of China, Cantonese. Las Summer, Gong, an official from Beijing in the north, visited her village to check on the level or rice and ginger production. Gong also spoke Chinese, but his dialect was Mandarin of putonghua. Ming could not understand a single word Gong said.


Example 7
An Indonesia student at a British university was trying to explain to he English friend the complications od social dialects in Java and the ways in which Javanese speakers signal their social background. 'It is much harder than in English". she said. Is is not just a matter of saying sofa instead of couch, or house rather than 'ouse. Every time you talk to a different person you have to choose exactly the right words and the right pronunciations. Almost every word is different and they fit together in patterns or 'levels', depending on who we are talking to. Because I am well-educated and come from a rich family, I use five different levels of language



What is the different a regional accent and a regional dialect?

Dialects can be classified into regional dialects and social dialects. What is regional dialect and what is social dialect?

Explain briefly three sub-varieties of Regional variation!

Vocabulary differences in the varieties spoken in different regions also give some contribution to existence of international variety. Provide some example of vocabulary differences between Australian English and British or New Zealand English!

A preference for difference vocabulary by different social groups is relatively easy to identify and always fascinates people. Can you produce a list of words for your speech community that divides people up according to their social background


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