After the Neolithic revolution, a further long period of evolution happened in the skills and methods in farming. The plow was originally a digging stick. People soon put a handle on it so it could be pulled and pushed. Around 4500 BC people used animal such as the cow to plow, that was the first step of using power in farming.

The next step was  irrigation which means that flowing water through canals into the land that had no available water. If it was not watered, then it would dry. This irrigation enabled many more plats to grow. The Romans realized that the land was less productive after being planted many times, so they began to not plant on the land for a year to preserve its fertility.

A small revolution happened when horse-collars were first found and became commonly used in Europe in around 900 BC.. Horse cloth was firstly put on the horse's neck so that it could not pull the plow powerfully. On the other hand, horse-collars put the entire load on the horse's shoulders. The horse could plow faster than the cow. Nevertheless, cows were continuously used in European farming, as horses were more precious and used to pull carriage and wagon.

The 18th Century Agriculture Revolution

A new agriculture revolution began in England in the 18th century. Between 1750 and 1870, there was an increase agriculture crop.

The farmers learnt (some were Ducth Engineers) to dry and encircle their land with fences. They knew that by plating radish, clove, barley and wheat in a series years, they would be able to use the land all the time, than to leave it infertility for a year. One of the big benefits from this inter-cropping method was that the farmers could plant enough clove and radish to feed their cattle during the winter season. At the same time tte breeders raised fatter and bigger cattle. Some people, however, were harmed by this change. In Scotland, sheep breeders allowed their sheep to roam the hills and valleys, which caused the denudation of the higher land. Therefore, in England and fencing dismissed the breeders' right to herd their cattle in public fields

Mechanical Revolution
Agriculture machine developed during the late 18th century and in the early part of the 19th century, this mostly happened in the United State that was the developing rapidly. Harvesting machine, shedding machine, and double harvesting machine were founded one after the other (berturut-turut). Steam machines were used to operate traction machines which were used to plow and strike flat soils (menebah). In the early 20th century, gasoline-powered tractors appeared, These kinds of machines meant that fewer people could produce much more food.

Even tools that had been well examined, such as the plow were developed. In 1837a full steel plow made by John Deere, a blacksmith (pandai besi) from Illinois, United State, decreased the power that was used to pull the plow along the soil. Deeres' invention was called "the plow that broke flat soil" sice the tool could break heavy soil in North American prairie to be cultivated. As a result, United State and Canada became the best wheat producers in the world.

Green Revolution
The modern agriculture revolution began in the 1960s and is still continuing up to the present. This revolution is call "Green Revolution". Plant Breeders (penangkar tumbuhan)have been creating new grain varieties such as rice, wheat, corn that have increased crop production in India, Philippines, Mexico and in many other countries.

Fertilizer added to the soil is to make plant grow better. Plants use soil fertility to grow, and the fertility needs to be renewed on order that the next generation of plants grow well. Some farmers raise cattle and use their feces as fertilizer. This is organic fertilizer which is as powerful as the blood and bones of animal carcasses.Nowadays, many farmers use artificial fertilizer (inorganic). This is a chemical substance  which is sprayed or spread onto the seeds. Inorganic fertilizer can make the plants fertile, but it can also dangerous if it used carelessly.

Do you know that your staple food is a kind of grass? Since the prehistoric era, people have been planting grass plants ti make what we know as seeds. The seed is called grain. This grain is big enough and full of carbohydrate that if it cooked, it will become a staple food. This seeds also contain protein, vitamin, mineral and much needed fiber.

Seeds can be consumed in the forms of raw seed or processed in flakes, as consumed for breakfast in many countries, or it can also be milled into flour to make bread pastry, porridge, and pudding. Various kinds of seeds grow in many regions throughout the world, depending on the climate and soil condition.

Wheat is planted throughout the world but it grows best in medium climate areas. Wheat needs cool and moist weather, then it needs warm and dry weather to ripen and be ready to harvest. Wheat is hard with contains high proteins, is planted in North America and Ukraine. This genus is good for bread making.

Wheat seed is hard and tough even it has been cooked, therefore most wheat is processed in certain ways. In the Middle East, wheat seed is milled to be flour. But in most places in the world, wheat milled to be fluor.

Wheat flour contains a substance that is called gluten. If the flour is mixed with water, gluten makes the dough pliable and allows the bread dough and yeast to rise.

Oat can grow in places where the climate is colder than wheat, rice or corn.Only the epidermal of seed expels during the milling, so that food made oat still contains many fiber and all the nutrients are contained in it. In Northern Europe, Out flour or flakes is use to make a porridge and oat cake.

Black Wheat
Black Wheat grows also in cold places where the other seeds are unable to survive. black wheat is grown Scandinavia, North German and Russia. Black wheat can be use as the common wheat. Black Wheat Flour is usually the whole seed milled and produce heavier and darker and than the bread made of common wheat.


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