Seedless Watermelon Cultivation
The watermelon plant (Citrullus vulgaris scard) is from the African Continent precisely from the Kalahari Desert Region. The spreading of this fruit to India, China and America was conducted by sailors and traders. The watermelon fruit has its own characteristic as a fresh and sweet fruit. The water contents reaches 92%, carbohydrate 7% and the rest is vitamin.

The watermelon belongs to dry season plants, but recently with more progressive technology development, watermelons can be planted at anytime. To grow fast and well, watermelon needs a dry climate, hot, and has enough water supply.

Wet climate  will hamper its growth and is easily attacked by pest, and the productivity and quality of the fruit  will decrease. The development of the watermelon cultivation technology in the sub-tropic is more developed than in its original tropic (tropical area). New species both diploid hybrid (seeded watermelon) and triploid (seedless watermelon) have been further developed with a better fruit quality and crop than the tropical watermelon (the original variety)

Seedless watermelon.
Seedless watermelon or usually called semangka seedless is also F1-hybrid. However, each parental is from the parental female of tetraploid watermelon with parental male of diploid watermelon. Therefore, this watermelon called tetraploid hybrid. Seedless watermelon germination (pembenihan/perkecambahan) technique was first discovered by Prof Dr. Hitoshi Kihara. To process the parental tetraploid, It must pass over multiplying the number of chromosomes which in scientific terms is often called duplication mutation.

From this crossbreeding of the tetraploid with the diploid watermelon, we can get the triploid watermelon (seedless watermelon) which can contain a low vitality rate. If the temperature is low (less than 29 C), germination capacity will also be slow. Therefore, triploid watermelon germination needs sufficient high temperature in orders that the germination can guaranteed.

In the beginning, the young plant development was weak, even sometimes abnormal, but later the plant  will grow strong. On average, triploid watermelon seed germination.capacity is between 27.5% - 85% with the smaller cotyledon than diploid watermelon. Actually, the triploid watermelon has a complete female and male flower, but the ovelum is infertile, so that the ovelum will not be formed. Nevertheless, the empty seed which are white or brown in color can sometimes be found. The formulation of the brown empty seeds is sometimes caused by over dosage of phosphor fertilizing.

Situbondo Model of Seedless Watermelon Germination Method
Basically, seeded or seedless watermelon cultivation is almost similar, but there is a little difference, especially in the process of breeding between the pollen and the pistillate as well as in the seed germination treatment. seeded watermelons need a germination process and specific seeding that is not applied for seedless watermelon. Sometimes cultivating seedless watermelon can experience failure as the result of  incorrect seeding so that caused the seeds that are germinated fail to grow.

Specific treatment of the seedless watermelon is needed in seeding, because seedless watermelon has a hard and thick seed, and a small endosperm and cotyledon, so that it is advised to farmers not to store watermelon seeds to long because their growth capacity quickly decrease.

In the process of the germination of the watermelon seedless, many farmers use many different methods and every region has different ways but basically they only refer to the seedless watermelon germination requirements. The requirements to germination the seeds are between 25 - 30 celcius and do not need direct sunshine.

Methods of Seed Germination that often are conducted by farmers
Firstly, prepare the seeds as needed and take them out of the container. Break the skin of each end of the seed with nail clippers


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