Seedless Watermelon Cultivation The watermelon plant (Citrullus vulgaris scard) is from the African Continent precisely from the Kalahari Desert Region. The spreading of this fruit to India, China and America was conducted by sailors and traders. The watermelon fruit has its own characteristic as a fresh and sweet fruit. The water contents reaches 92%, carbohydrate 7% and the rest is vitamin. The watermelon belongs to dry season plants, but recently with more progressive technology development, watermelons can be planted at anytime. To grow fast and well, watermelon needs a dry climate, hot, and has enough water supply. Wet climate will hamper its growth and is easily attacked by pest, and the productivity and quality of the fruit will decrease. The development of the watermelon cultivation technology in the sub-tropic is more developed than in its original tropic (tropical area). New species both diploid hybrid (seeded watermelon) and triploid (seedless watermelon) ha...