Bogor, Sunday The government is assumed to be never serious about improving the Indonesian way of agriculture as can be seen on (dari) various policies on agriculture matters that always changes in every official turnover. It is proposed by the chairman of Indonesia Farmers Associations, Ir. Siswono Yudohusodo, and The Rector of Instutute Pertanian Bogor (Bogor Institute of Agriculture) Prof Dr. Ir. Ahmad Anshori Matjik, M.Sc in Bogos as cited by (dikutip dari) Antara, Sunday (24/8) So, in this country, it can be said that there is no agriculture policy that sides with the farmers. On every official turnover, the policies are changed by the new head of department, Siswano said when he become the speaker in a discussion entitled "charging in the vision of the 21st century agriculture high education" , in Darmaga IPB campus, last week. This causes the agriculture industry in Indonesia to remain stagnant. Day by day, even the farmers welfare does not improve, instead th...