
Showing posts from August, 2022


Surety Bond adalah suatu bentuk penjaminan antara dua pihak yaitu Pihak pertama Pemberi Jaminan (Surety) yang memberi jaminan untuk  Pihak Kedua (Principal) untuk kepentingan Obligee (Pemilik Proyek) dengan maksud untuk menyatakan kesungguhan Principal dalam melaksanakan pekerjaannya sesuai kontrak/perjanjian yang telah disepakati. Apabila pihak yang dijamin (Principal) yang oleh karena lalai atau gagal melaksanakan kewajibannya menyelesaikan pekerjaan yang dijanjikan kepada Obligee, maka Pihak Surety sebagai penjamian akan menggantikan kedudukan pihak yang dijamin untuk membayar ganti rugi maksimal sampai dengan batas jumlah jaminan yang diberikan Surety. Jadi ada 2 jenis perjanjian Perjanjian Pokok yaitu perjanjian yang dibuat antara Obligee (pemilik Proyek) dengan Principal (Pemberi Jasa) Perjanjian Tambahan yaitu perjanjian yang dibuat antara Princpal (Pemberi Jasa) dengan Pemberi Jaminan (Surety Company) tentang pemberian jaminan terhadap kemungkinan kegagalan Principal...


Introduction Manufacturing engineering may be defined as designing production process for a product. Although there is a large difference of opinion on exactly what is included in the design of a production process, almost all people would generally agree with the above definition. Production or manufacturing engineering includes all considerations pertaining to the process of production. This include such functions as the following: Evaluating the manufacturability of the product Selecting processes and setting process parameters such as cutting tool material, size, and shape; cutting speed; dept of cut; and so on. Designing work-holding devices (jigs and fixtures) to secure and control the position of the workpiece during manufacture. Estimating the cost of manufacturing the part Assuring the quality of the part produced  The rate of technological change in manufacture engineering is phenomenal likely to increase. "Keeping up" is already a very difficult TASK. The...


CHAPTER 1 PRINCIPLES OF UNDERWRITING  Underwriting is the process of : assessing and classifying the degree of the risk represented by a proposed insured or group with respect to a specific product, and making a decision concerning the acceptance of the risk  The people and entities involves in the creation and operation of an insurance policy. The term producer to refer to any persons or entity that: sells insurance, including agents, brokers, financial advisors, and banks is involved in insurance sales made through direct marketing or the Internet  The terms underwriter refers to an insurance company home office or regional office employee who performs the risk assessment and selection process. The applicant is the person or entity who submits an application for the individual insurance and seeks to purchase the insurance cover. The Insured   ( Assured ) is the person  whose  life or health is covered by an individual insurance policy. During in underwr...


 INTRODUCTION TO RISK AND INSURANCE (CHAPTER 3) (PRINCIPLES OF INSURANCE : LIFE, HEALTH AND ANNUITIES) HARRIETT E. JONES - DANI L. LONG (LOMA) All insurance provides protection against some of the economics consequences of loss. Thus, insurance meets part of individuals' and businesses' need for economic security. The insurance products to meet various aspects of this need.  Despite these product changed, the underlying purpose of insurance products remains the same: to provide protection against the risk of financial loss. In order to understand insurance and how it work, you need to understand the concept of risk and which types of risks  are insurable. The Concept of Risk Risk exist when there is uncertainty about the future. Two kinds of the risk : Speculative Risk involves three possible outcomes ; (loss , gain or no change) Pure Risk involves no possibility of gain, either a loss occurs or no loss occurs Risk Management  Risk Management involves identifying and...