

 SASARAN :  Menguji pengetahuan dan kemampuan  peserta mengenai ketentuan hukum yang berlaku dalam bidang asuransi dan hukum Indonesia pada umumnya. LINGKUP STUDY: (Peserta ujian harus) Mengetahui tata hukum Indonesia, khususnya mengenai sumber hukum formal dan material serta subyek hukum di Indonesia, perbedaan dasar antara hukum privat dan hukum publik: Pengertian dan penggolongan tata hukum Indonesia, sumber hukum formal dan material: Hierarki perundang-undangan Indonesia Pengertian, sifat dan perbedaan hukum memaksa dan hukum pelengkap/mengatur Pengertian subjek hukum dan jenis-jenisnya serta kemampuan dan tanggung jawabnya Pengertian hukum publik dan hukum privat serta perbedaan-pernedaannya. Memahami dasar-dasar hukum perdata serta hukum pembuktian, yaitu hukum perikatan, hukum perjanjian, syarat sahnya suatu perjajian, batal dan pembatalan suatu perjanjian, privity of contract (azas kepribadian) dan kadaluarsa. Pengertian hukum perdata dalam arti luas maupun sempit...


 CII Insurance Law Chapter 3 : Law of Learning Objective explain the nature of a tort and how torts are classified understand the principles governing the main torts explain the main defences in tort, and describe the main remedies in tort Introduction Think! Here are some duties which apply to all of us.  Why di they exist? If we drive a car, the law requires that we drive carefully so as not to injury other people or damage their property If we write or publish a newspaper article or a book, we must not make untrue statements about other people which might harm their reputation If we go out for a walk, we must not wander onto private property without permission These duties are well known and apply, automatically, to all of us. They exist not because we have agreed to drive carefully, or agreed not to make false statements or promised to keep off private property, but simply because the law imposes them on everyone. If we break onw of these duties and cause harm to another p...


Insurance Law CII  Part I : General legal principles Chapter 1 : Law and legal systems Learning Objective: explain how law is classified in relation to public and private, criminal and civil law describe the characteristics of the legal systems discuss the development of English Law, including common law, equity, custom and legislation explain the common law system discuss delegated legislation and statutory interpretation discuss the effect of supranational legislation on national systems describe the courts and the system of precedent; and describe the basic elements of civil procedure and funding of litigation Classification of low There are a number of ways in which law may be classified. We have already distinguished between countries whose based on English common law and countries whose systems are based on Civil, or Roman, law. A further basic distinction is often made between  Public law and  Private law. Public law Public law is concerned with the legal structure...


CII Examination syllabus  Insurance Law Purpose  At the end of this unit, candidates should be able to: demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of the laws which form a background to the operation of insurance (menunjukkan pengetahuan dan pengertian tentang hukum yang melatarbelakangi pelaksanaan asuransi) demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of the system within which these laws operate and are administered (menunjukkan pengetahuan dan pengertian dari sistem dimana hukum beroperasi dan dikelola) apply knowledge and skills to practical situations (meneraokan pengetahuan dan keterampilan untuk situasi praktis) Assumed knowledge It is assumed the candidate has the knowledge gained from a study of the fundamental principles and practices of insurance as covered in IF1 Insurance, legal and regulatory or equivalent examinations. Summary of learning outcomes Understand the nature and sources of law and legal systems Understand the concept of legal personality Understand the p...


 Insurance , Legal and Regulatory CII CHAPTER 1 RISK AND INSURANCE Learning objectives: list the main components of risk (menjelaskan komponen utama risiko) describe how risk is perceived (menggambarkan bagaimana resiko dipersepsikan) state the function of risk management (menetapkan fungsi risk management) describe the process of risk management (menggambarkan proses risk management) demonstrate how insurance relates to risk (menunjukkan hubungan asuransi dengan risiko) identify the categories into which risks are divided (mengidentifikasi kategori pembagian risiko) compare insurable and uninsurable risks (membandingkan risiko yang dapat diasuransikan dan tidak) describe the relationship between frequency, severity, risk and insurance (menggambarkan hubungan antara frequency, severity, risiko dan asuransi) distinguish the terms perils and hazard as they relate to insurance (membedakan istilah perils dan hazard yang berkaitan dengan asuransi) describe how insurance operates as a ri...


 Life and Health Insurance Underwriting Chapter 11 Group Insurance Underwriting Activities  After studying this chapter, you should be able to.. State the purpose of the request for proposal (RFP) and identify the information it provides and the documents it include (menyebutkan maksud atau tujuan dari permintaan proposal dan mengidentifikasi informasi yang idberikan dan dokumen yang disertakan) Describe the information the group underwriter receives in an agent's statement and in certain ERISA documents (menjelaskan informasi yang diterima oleh underwriter dalam pernyataan agen dan dokumen ERISA) State the purpose of the proposal for insurance and the master application and describe the information provided by each document (menyebutkan tujuan daro proposal asuransi dan master application serta menjelaskan informasi yang diberikan oleh tiap2 dokumen) Calculate a group's annual premium, given a certain premium rate, benefit unit, and number of employees (menghitung premium tah...


 LIFE AND HEALTH INSURANCE UNDERWRITING PART 2 : UNDERWRITING INDIVIDUAL LIFE AND HEALTH INSURANCE CHAPTER 3 LEGAL ASPECTS OF UNDERWRITING INDIVIDUAL POLICIES After studying this chapter, you should be able to: Define the terms valid contract, void contract and voidable contract Identify the requirements for the creation of the valid insurance contract Distinguish between a misrepresentation and a material misrepresentation made in the formation insurance contract Distinguish between binding premium receipts and conditional premium receipt Identify factors that nondiscrimination laws and regulations prohibit insurers from considering during underwriting of insurance (mengidentifikasi faktor2 yang dilarang undang-undang dan hukum nondiscrimination yang menjadi pertimbangan selama underwriting of insurance) Describe the medical testing and disclosure requirements associated with the underwriting of AIDS-related conditions (menjelaskan persayaratan medical testing dan pengungkapan yan...