Life and Health Insurance Underwriting Chapter 11 Group Insurance Underwriting Activities After studying this chapter, you should be able to.. State the purpose of the request for proposal (RFP) and identify the information it provides and the documents it include (menyebutkan maksud atau tujuan dari permintaan proposal dan mengidentifikasi informasi yang idberikan dan dokumen yang disertakan) Describe the information the group underwriter receives in an agent's statement and in certain ERISA documents (menjelaskan informasi yang diterima oleh underwriter dalam pernyataan agen dan dokumen ERISA) State the purpose of the proposal for insurance and the master application and describe the information provided by each document (menyebutkan tujuan daro proposal asuransi dan master application serta menjelaskan informasi yang diberikan oleh tiap2 dokumen) Calculate a group's annual premium, given a certain premium rate, benefit unit, and number of employees (menghitung premium tah...